Feb 15, 2025  
2020-2021 Catalog 
2020-2021 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Transfer Opportunities at Capital

Capital Community College has a number of transfer articulation agreements with public and private colleges and universities including the University of Connecticut and the Connecticut State University system (Central, Eastern, Southern and Western). It is important that students seek the advice of a counselor or academic advisor early in their academic career to ensure proper course selection. Credits that are transferable and applicable vary from college to college, so it is critical that students learn about the college of their choice, and the transfer process for that college. A brief summary of major transfer agreements is provided here.

Connecticut State Colleges and Universities (CSCU) System Transfer Tickets

Connecticut Community College students who complete an associate degree program can transfer smoothly to all Connecticut State Universities (CSU) and Charter Oak State College offering their major. Upon transfer, students are guaranteed full junior status and can complete a bachelor’s degree in their major without losing any credits or being required to take any extra credits. Students in a CSCU Transfer Ticket will complete the first 60-63 credits at Capital Community College and the final 60-63 credits at a CSU.

As of Fall 2019, the following transfer tickets are available:

  • Accounting Studies, A.A.
  • Art Studies, A.A.
  • Biochemistry Studies, A.A.
  • Biology Studies, A.A.
  • Business Administration, A.A.
  • Business Studies, A.A.
  • Chemistry Studies, A.A.
  • Communication Studies, A.A.
  • Computer Science Studies, A.A.
  • Criminology Studies, A.A.
  • Early Childhood Teacher Credential Studies, A.A.
  • English Studies, A.A.
  • Finance Studies, A.A.
  • Geography Studies, A.A.
  • History Studies, A.A.
  • Management Studies, A.A.
  • Marketing Studies, A.A.
  • Mathematics Studies, A.A.
  • Physics Degree Studies, A.A.
  • Political Science Studies, A.A.
  • Psychology Studies, A.A.
  • Social Work Studies, A.A.
  • Sociology Studies, A.A.
  • Spanish Studies, A.A.
  • Theatre Studies, A.A.

For more information, visit http://www.ct.edu/transfer or consult the Counseling Office at 860-906-5040.

Transfer to the University of Connecticut through the Guaranteed Admission Program (GAP)

The Guaranteed Admission Program (GAP) is an agreement between the Connecticut Community Colleges and the University of Connecticut that guarantees admission to the University of Connecticut’s College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Agriculture and Natural Resources, or Business, provided certain requirements are met. Students must have earned no more than 30 transferable credits at the time of application to the program, must maintain a 3.0 minimum cumulative average (or 3.3 minimum for Business) and complete the Associates Degree in Liberal Arts at Capital under the terms of the agreement.

For more information, visit www.ct.edu/transfer/transferring#uconn

Charter Oak State College

Connecticut’s public online college, offers Bachelor’s degree completion programs in 15 specific disciplines including Health Care Administration, Business Administration, Public Safety Administration and Information Systems. Specific transfer agreements have been established for Criminal Justice leading to a concentration in Public Safety Administration. All classes are offered online in 5, 8 and 15-week terms. Charter Oak accepts up to 90 credits from the community college and CCC graduates can pay the Community College tuition rate through a tuition match scholarship.

For more information, visit www.charteroak.edu/community-college/ or contact Moses Adgers, Admissions Counselor, 860-515-3832

Cambridge College

Students are able to earn a Bachelor’s Degree in Multidisciplinary Studies, Early Education & Care, Business Management and Human Services.

Transfer students must:

  1. Complete an Associate Degree in Early Childhood Education, Social Services, Management or General Studies.
  2. Meet the program specific admission requirements.
  3. Achieve a minimum GPA of 2.0.

For more information, contact Admissions: 787-296-1101

Post University

This agreement is for students interested in transferring to a Baccalaureate Degree program at Post University.

Transfer students must:

  1. Complete an Associate Degree from Capital in one of the following:
    Accounting, Biotechnology, Communication Media, Computer and Information Systems (CIS), CIS: Mobile App Developer, CIS Web Publishing, Computer Networking, Computer Networking: Cyber Security, Computer Support Specialist (CSS), CSS: Hardware Support Option, Criminal Justice, Management, Social Service, Social Service: Mental Health.
  2. Post guarantees acceptance of individual students in good standing at Capital (both academic and disciplinary) who complete the coursework required to earn one of the articulated Associate Degrees listed above from Capital.
  3. A grade of ‘D’ or better will be accepted for coursework required as part of an articulated Capital Associate Degree (see list above), however if a student wishes to transfer any course outside of those specifically articulated in this agreement, the earned grade must be equal to C or better in the course. (Note: Post is not required to accept transfer credits for course substitutions that deviate from the prescribed Capital curriculum.)

Quinnipiac University

This agreement is for students who are interested in transferring into Quinnipiac University’s Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Online Baccalaureate Degree Completion program. Transfer students must:

Transfer students must:

  1. Complete an Associate Degree from Capital in one of the following:
    Accounting, Computer Networking, Computer Networking: Cybersecurity Option, Computer and Information Systems (CIS), CIS: Web Publishing Option, CIS: Mobile Application Developer Option, Construction Management (A.S.), Criminal Justice, Liberal Arts, Management, or Management: Entrepreneurship Option.
  2. Achieve a minimum of a 2.7 GPA.
  3. Complete all 60-63 credits from the Capital Program.
  4. Complete 3 credits of English composition with a grade of C or better. (Note: 6 credits total of English composition is preferred. If a student has 3 credits, an additional 3 credits of English composition will be required at Quinnipiac.)

Trinity College - Individualized Degree Program (IDP)

This institution offers an undergraduate program designed especially for students age 23 years and older. This program gives these students the chance to pursue an excellent education and earn exactly the same degree as other undergraduates at the college.

For more information, contact Roberta Rogers: roberta.rogers@trincoll.edu

University of Hartford

Transfer applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Transfer students must:

  1. Have a minimum grade of a C- or higher
  2. Complete an application with a fee of $35
  3. Send official transcripts

For more information, contact Aaron Marshall: aamarshal@hartford.edu

University of Saint Joseph - Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) Program

Any Connecticut Community College (CCC) Associate Degree graduate in the last 5 years who earned a cumulative GPA of 2.5 or above is eligible for the University of Saint Joseph TAG program. Enrollment in a limited number of USJ major programs requires a higher GPA.

Options for Connecticut Community College TAG transfers:

  1. Full-time enrollment: Students may enroll full-time, apply for USJ scholarships and institutional aid, live on-campus or commute, and will be eligible to participate on Division III athletic teams. Regular tuition and fees apply.
  2. Part-time enrollment in USJ Pathway to Completion programs in Social Work, Management, and Psychology: Students may enroll part-time, year-round and attend classes scheduled to allow program completion in approximately two calendar years. Special tuition rates comparable to rates for in-state students at Connecticut Public universities apply for completion programs.
  3. Online RN to B.S. in Nursing program for associate degree graduates who hold a current Connecticut RN license. This flexible 30-credit online program offers students 18 credits in nursing major courses and 12 credits in core curriculum courses.

All full-time CCC students are also eligible for one free course at USJ per semester. Taking these courses will help to ensure the most rapid completion of USJ program requirements.

University of Saint Joseph - Weekend Program Dual Admission Agreement

This agreement is for students who early on express an interest in earning a Bachelors Degree in Accounting, Management, Social Work, or Psychology and are interested in the SJC weekend program. Students will have guaranteed enrollment in one of the above Bachelors degree programs upon completing an Associates Degree from Capital. Students must:

  1. Achieve a minimum GPA of 2.5.
  2. Meet program specific admission requirements.
  3. Complete an application, prior to earning 15 transfer credits.

For additional information please contact Counselor Sabrina Adams-Roberts at sadams-roberts@capitalcc.edu or an SJC transfer admissions counselor at 860-231-5308. (Students may also transfer to the Women’s College if they have up to 60 transfer credits.)

Transfer Pathways for Other Degree Programs at Capital

Architectural Engineering Technology (B.S.)

University of Hartford College of Engineering,Technology and Architecture - Department of Architecture


Eastern Connecticut State University - Biochemistry

Early Childhood Education Degree

Eastern CT State University - Early Childhood Education
University of Saint Joseph - Early Childhood Education
University of Hartford - Early Childhood Education

College of Technology: Engineering Science Degree

University of Connecticut - School of Engineering

College of Technology: Technology Studies

Central CT State University - School of Technology
Pathway to Industrial Technology
Engineering Technology Option
Technology and Engineering Education Option

Computer Information Systems: Web Publishing Option

University of Hartford - Web Design & Development

Health Information Management

Eastern Connecticut State University

Liberal Arts & Sciences Mathematics & Natural Science Course Sequence

Albertus Magnus - Arts or Science
Eastern Connecticut State University - Health Science

Music Industry Degree

University of Bridgeport-Music

Nursing (RN) Degree

Capital’s Nursing Program is part of The Connecticut Articulation Model for Nurse Educational Mobility. Graduates from Capital’s Nursing Program can receive advanced placement credit to baccalaureate nursing programs in Connecticut if they hold a license in Connecticut as a Registered Nurse and fulfill the admission’s requirements sought by each program. For more information visit: http://www.ct.edu/academics/nursing#agreements

Radiological Technology Degree

University of Hartford - Department of Health Sciences
St. Vincent’s College - Radiology


University of Saint Joseph - Pharmacy


Central Connecticut State University - Psychology
Eastern Connecticut State University - Psychology
University of Saint Joseph - Psychology
Southern Connecticut State University - Psychology
University of Connecticut - Psychology
University of Hartford - Psychology
Western Connecticut State University - Psychology

Social Services Degree

University of Connecticut-Dowanton Hartford Campus - Urban and Community Studies, Human Development and Family Studies and Bachelor of General Studies
Central Connecticut State University - School of Social Work
Eastern CT State University - Human Service Administration
University of Saint Joseph - School of Social Work
Springfield College - School of Human Services

Cross Registration at Connecticut Public Colleges and Universities

Guidelines for Exchange of Students Among Institutions of Public Higher Education

The Connecticut Board of Regents for Higher Education approves the following guidelines for exchange of students among institutions in the state system of higher education, which will provide an opportunity for students enrolled in a community college, state university, or the University of Connecticut to benefit significantly by taking a course or courses not available where they are registered but offered at another state institution.

  1. Preliminary, informal inquiry should first establish that there is a substantial degree of interest on the part of one or more qualified students enrolled at the home institution in a particular course offered by the host institution but not by the home institution.
  2. The host institution, after making accommodation for its own students, will determine the number of vacant student places in the course that could be filled without exceeding the acceptable limit on class size.
  3. The home institution will recommend not more than this number of its students to the host institution, which will examine these students’ qualifications for taking the course in question.
  4. Students admitted to a course or courses will register under the procedures for unclassified students in the host institution, which will issue a transcript record of credit earned after the successful completion of the course.
  5. The home institution will accept this credit in transfer under its own procedures, making it a part of the student’s record at his or her home institution.
  6. Students who have paid the tuition and fees of full-time students at their home institutions shall be exempt from further charges. Copies of their receipted fee bills should be accepted by the host institution in lieu of payment.
  7. Part-time students shall not be exempt, but shall pay the tuition and fees required of unclassified students who take the same course at the host institution.

Cross Registration at the Colleges of the Hartford Consortium of Higher Education

Full-time students at Capital Community College have the opportunity to cross-register for courses in modern/classic languages, women’s studies and urban studies at member colleges of the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education: Central Connecticut State University, University of Saint Joseph, Saint Thomas Seminary, Trinity College, the Hartford Campus of the University of Connecticut, and the University of Hartford. Typically there is no additional cost. Capital is the only community college member of the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education. Capital students are encouraged to obtain a copy of the Consortium Cross-Registration brochure in the Enrollment Services’ Office, Room 207. The Consortium website address is http://www.hartfordconsortium.org/programs/cross-registration

CCC will host a Transfer Fair on Thursday, October, 10, 2019 that will include in-state and out-of-state College/University Representatives. Individual college visits are arranged throughout the academic year.