Jan 18, 2025  
2022-2023 Catalog 
2022-2023 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies

NECHE Credit Hour Policy

The U.S. Department of Education has enacted regulations regarding program integrity that include a federal definition of a credit hour:

Federal Definition and Commission Review of the Credit Hour

As an accreditor recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education, the Commission is obliged to follow federal law and regulations pertinent to that recognition. Federal regulation defines a credit hour as an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutional established equivalence that reasonably approximates not less than -

(1) One hour of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work each week for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or trimester hour of credit, or ten to twelve weeks for one quarter-hour of credit, or the equivalent amount of work over a different amount of time; or

(2) At least an equivalent amount of work as required in paragraph (1) of this definition for other academic activities as established by the institution including laboratory work, internships, practicum, studio work, and other academic work leading to the award of credit hours.

In accordance with federal policy, CCC defines a credit hour as the amount of work represented in the achievement of student learning outcomes (verified by evidence of student achievement) that reasonably approximates one hour (50 minutes) of classroom instruction and a minimum of two hours of out-of-class student work. For every course credit hour, a typical student should expect to spend at least two hours per week of concentrated attention on course-related work including, but not limited to, class meeting time, reading, reviewing, organizing notes, studying and completing assignments.

Academic Load

The credit is the basic unit used at Capital Community College. One credit usually requires one class period of 50 minutes, and two hours of preparation outside of class, each week for a semester’s duration.

A full course load normally will consist of 12 to 16 credits (4 to 5 courses), depending upon the student’s major and degree of academic preparation.

Incoming students, both transfer and those without prior college experience, develop their programs of study at the time of entry, in consultation with an academic advisor.

Students who wish to exceed the suggested maximum of 16 credits must apply to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs for permission, prior to registration.

Grading System

The College uses the following grading system to indicate student performance and has assigned quality points for the purpose of computing numerical grade point averages in credit-bearing courses:

  A 4.0  
  A- 3.7  
  B+ 3.3  
  B 3.0  
  B- 2.7  
  C+ 2.3  
  C 2.0  
  C- 1.7  
  D+ 1.3  
  D 1.0  
  D- 0.7  
  F 0.0  

Other Transcript Notations

AU = Audit (not for credit) - Students may change from credit to audit and from audit to credit during the first four weeks of classes

I = Incomplete - Students have ten weeks into the next semester to complete, with permission of the instructor

M = Maintaining Progress - An administrative transcript notation used only for developmental courses to indicate that the student is maintaining progress but not at the usual rate. It may be given to a student for a course only twice.

P = Pass - An administrative transcript notation for successful completion of courses taken on a pass/fail basis. Students failing will receive a grade of “F”.

TR = Transfer - An administrative transcript notation in lieu of grades for courses accepted for credit from other colleges and universities.

W = Withdrawal - An administrative transcript notation used to indicate that a student has withdrawn from a course in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the College (see below). It should be noted that withdrawals from courses must be initiated by the student only and not an instructor.

Optional Grades used during Spring 2020, Fall 2020, Winter 2020, and Spring 2021.  Special grades were implemented (COVID 19 pandemic impacted terms) with no quality point value:

  • CR = Credit Earned (Equivalency <= C-)
  • CRT = Credit Earned for Transfer (Equivalency >=C)
  • NCE = No Credit Earned

The use of + or - is at the option of the instructor. Passing grade point averages range from 0.7 to 4.0. A student who receives a grade of D-, D or D+ in a course is discouraged from enrolling in other courses in that discipline. Furthermore, in some courses, disciplines or programs, a student receiving below a certain grade may be prohibited from enrolling in other courses in the given discipline or from remaining in a given program. Please refer to specific program and course descriptions for any special minimum grade requirements.

The grading system for developmental mathematics, English, and ESL uses grades A through F proceeded by the # notation. Credit is earned for the successful completion of developmental courses. However, such credit is not applicable towards the requirements of a degree or certificate program.

No quality points are assigned for developmental courses and they are not included in quality point average calculations.

Grade Point Averages

Quality Point Average is a numerical value put on a student’s work for a given semester.

Cumulative Point Average is a numerical value put on a student’s work over his/her college career - usually two or more semesters. The calculation of the grade point average shall be to two decimal places.

The numerical weight (quality points) allocated to each grade is multiplied by the credits assigned to each course. For example, a grade of C in a three-credit course will earn six quality points (3 x 2). The total number of quality points earned in a semester is divided by the total credits attempted, to produce the Quality Point Average.


  C 2 Times 3 = 6  
  D 1 Times 3 = 3  
  A 4 Times 4 = 16  
  A 4 Times 3 = 12  
  B+ 3.3 Times 3 = 9.9  
      16 = 46.9  

In this example, 46.9 quality points divided by 16 credits equals a Quality Point Average of 2.93.

The Cumulative Point Average is determined by dividing the total number of quality points by the total number of credits a student has undertaken at CCC. Credits earned at other institutions, although acceptable at CCC for transfer credit, are not used in computing the Cumulative Point Average.

Grade Reports

Students may be given mid-semester grades at the discretion of the faculty member. These grades are not entered on the permanent record. At the end of each semester, a final grade report, including a Quality Point Average and a Cumulative Point Average must be accessed on the Web at my.commnet.edu. Grades are no longer mailed to a student’s home address.

Nursing Program - Please Note

The Grading System for the Nursing Program is different and will be presented to each student at the start of Nursing 101. Please see Nursing, A.S. .

Statement on Satisfactory Progress

  1. Capital Community College has procedures to monitor student progress through a warning, probation and suspension policy.
  2. This policy shall be applicable to all students enrolled for developmental and/or credit courses, no matter the number of credits for which they are enrolled.
  3. No course may be repeated for credit more than twice. The highest grade received will be used in calculating the student’s academic average. This does not apply to those courses that are designed to be repeated for additional credit.
  4. Satisfactory completion of fifty percent of the credits attempted (this phrase means actual continued enrollment beyond the add/drop period) will be the minimum standard for good standing.
  5. Students who have completed 11 or fewer credits whose Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) falls below 1.5 will be given a written warning. Students who have completed between 12 and 30 credits inclusive whose CGPA falls below 1.7, and those who have completed 31 or more credits whose CGPA falls below 2.0, will be given a written notice that they are placed on academic probation.
  6. Students placed on academic probation will be required to take a reduced course load for one semester.
  7. Students who, after being placed on academic probation for one semester and after taking a reduced course load, fail to attain the required CGPA as shown above will be notified in writing that they are suspended for one semester.
  8. After the period of suspension, students may be reinstated, either as regular or probationary students, upon application to the college.
  9. Capital has an appeals process in place. Please contact the Associate Dean of Student Affairs at 860-906-5086.
  10. College procedures will be included in appropriate publications and communications.

Incomplete Work

An Incomplete is a temporary grade assigned by a faculty member when course work is missing and the student agrees to complete the requirements. To request an incomplete obtain the required form from the instructor or Advising office and have it signed by the instructor. Assignment of an Incomplete is at the discretion of the faculty and is typically used when there are extenuating circumstances, such as illness. Students receiving an Incomplete must submit the missing course work by the tenth week of the next semester. An incomplete grade (I) automatically becomes an F if the course work is not completed within the proscribed time lines. All Incompletes must convert to a letter grade by the tenth week of the next semester. Students with Incompletes are temporarily ineligible for semester or graduation honors.

Repeated Courses: Credit and Grades

No course may be repeated for credit more than twice. The highest grade received will be used in calculating the student’s academic average. This does not apply to those courses that are designed to be repeated for additional credit.

Student Classification

A full-time student is one who registers for 12 or more credits and/or effective credits per semester. Three-quarter-time students are registered for at least 9 credits but fewer than 12 credits. Half-time students are registered for at least 6 credits but fewer than 9 credits. Part-time students are registered for fewer than 6 credits.

Participation Requirements

Effective learning is based on participation in every class.

Each instructor is responsible for determining the participation requirements of the course. Participation requirements may include attendance, timely arrival, contribution to classroom and online discussion, and other measures of student engagement. Actions that diminish the participation include absences, tardiness, early departures, unapproved use of communication devises in class, and other distractions to class cohesion. Instructors may expand or clarify these descriptions as needed for specific classes.

Generally, faculty members use the following guidelines in determining how absences affect a student’s ability to meet the participation requirement of a course. Each instructor has discretion to clarify, limit, or expand these guidelines in the determination of a student’s final grade.

  1. If a student misses the equivalent of more than one week’s classes through unexcused absences, the student may be at risk of not satisfying the participation requirements for the course.
  2. An instructor may excuse student absences that are substantiated by documentation. Instructors will clarify standards for determining the effect of excused absences on the student’s participation grade.
  3. Whether missed work can be made up is at the discretion of the instructor. Responsibility for making up such work rests with the student.

Course Substitution

Situations may arise when a student wishes to substitute one course for another in a program of study. One possible reason for substituting one course for another required course might be that a student entered the College when a particular course was required and offered, but requirements have changed and the course has not been offered for several semesters and no plans are made for offering it soon.

Course Substitution Request Forms are available after consultation with an advisor. Since several signatures are required, students should plan well ahead of registration for an upcoming semester, or for graduation, to allow time for completion of the process.

Requests for course substitution must be approved by the appropriate academic division/department head and the Academic Dean.

Fresh Start

Capital Community College has a policy called Fresh Start, which allows students who have not attended college for a period of two or more years and who have a poor academic record, to refresh their Grade Point Average (GPA) and develop a more favorable academic record. Students should apply for enrollment under Fresh Start by meeting with an advisor at the time of readmission to the college to determine their eligibility and academic status for re-entry into the college under the Fresh Start program.

All grades previously earned will remain on the student’s transcript. The semesters for which Fresh Start is invoked will include a transcript symbol indicating that the policy is in effect. The original GPA will not be included in any subsequent computation of the new GPA. If the Fresh Start option is approved, the student will receive credit for courses with a grade of C- or above, including “P” (Pass).

The Fresh Start option can be used only once.

The Fresh Start option does not apply to any completed degree or certificate.

A student must complete a minimum of 15 credits after returning to college under the Fresh Start option to be eligible for a degree or certificate, and for graduation honors.

For additional information, please contact the Advising Office at 860-906-5040

PLEASE NOTE: Participation in Fresh Start does not guarantee financial aid. Financial aid recipients are subject to additional standards. For more information, call the Financial Aid office at 860-906-5090.

Appeals on Academic Decisions and Grades

A student who believes s/he has been evaluated or graded inaccurately and wishes to appeal should take the following action:

The student should first confer with the faculty member concerned, no later than 15 days after the student has become aware of the decision or grade. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of that conference, or if the faculty member is not available, the student may submit a written appeal within 30 days to the Academic Dean, who will consult with the faculty member and the relevant academic division director or department chair. The CEO may designate an official, an ad hoc academic appeals committee, or a standing Academic Appeals Committee to provide review at this step in lieu of the review by the Academic Dean. Further appeal may later be made, if the student wishes, to the CEO of the college, whose decision shall be final.

The appeals process is described in detail, including deadlines and other requirements, in Section 2: Academic Good Standing/Probation in the Academic Policies section of the CCC Student Handbook.

A Statement on Plagiarism

Using someone else’s ideas or phrasing and representing those ideas as your own, either deliberately or through carelessness, is a serious offense known as plagiarism.

“Ideas” or “phrasing” includes written or spoken material - from whole papers and paragraphs to sentences - but it also includes statistics, lab results, art work, etc. “Someone else” can mean a professional source, such as a published writer or critic in a book, magazine, encyclopedia, journal, or in an electronic resource you discover on the World Wide Web or digital library; another student at your school or anywhere else; a paper writing “service” that offers to sell written papers for a fee.

Penalty for Plagiarism

The penalty for plagiarism is determined by the instructor teaching the course involved. In many schools, including Capital, it could mean failure for the paper and referral to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs and possibly even failure for the entire course. Disciplinary action, if necessary, is determined by the Associate Dean of Student Affairs.

Students who do not thoroughly understand the concept of plagiarism and methods of proper documentation should request assistance from their teacher, Learning Center tutors, or librarians.


A student may request audit status from the Registrar at the time of registration. An audited course confers no credit, grades or quality points. Auditors pay for the course at the same rate as students taking the course for credit.

Changes from credit to audit or audit to credit are not permitted after the fourth week of classes.

Although auditors customarily do not take the examinations or other academic exercises required in the course, details of the auditor’s participation in class activities may be determined by prior agreement between the student and the faculty member.


A student can withdraw from a class until the end of the twelfth week of class. Instructor’s permission is not required to withdraw. Beyond the twelfth week, students who need to withdraw for extenuating circumstances must apply to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs.

A student must take the responsibility for initiating and completing a withdrawal. It is in the best interest of the student to discuss a withdrawal with an advisor and/or the instructor. The completed withdrawal form is turned in to the Registrar’s Office. The student who does not initiate a withdrawal could be, depending on an instructor’s judgment, assigned a performance grade (A-F) based on work completed.

Please note: Students who receive financial aid will need to consult with the Financial Aid Office before withdrawing from any course. Financial aid recipients can jeopardize their current or future aid award by withdrawing from classes.

Credit Bank

High school students have the opportunity to bank credits for future enrollment in a Connecticut Community College. See the section on the High School Partnership Program .

Graduation Requirements


Capital Community College is authorized by the State of Connecticut to award the degrees of Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Science (AS) and Associate in Applied Science (AAS).

To be considered eligible for graduation, a student must be enrolled in a degree program and have completed all requirements of the program, with an overall Grade Point Average of 2.00 or higher.

In computing a Grade Point Average for awarding a degree, grades in all courses taken at CCC are averaged.

(See Transfer - Acceptance of Credit at Community Colleges )


Students enrolled in certificate programs must achieve a Grade Point Average of 2.00 or higher only for those courses required for the certificate.


Capital Community College awards degrees two times a year - at the end of the spring semester in May and at the end of the fall semester in December. Applications for graduation, whether for a degree or certificate, must be completed with a student’s faculty advisor or advisor. Graduation applications must be completed by April 30 for May graduation and by November 30 for December graduation. Students must have fulfilled all financial obligations to the college to be eligible for graduation.

Students who apply for spring graduation in May can have one remaining course requirement for degree completion. This requirement must be completed by December 31 of the current year. If the course is completed before the start of the next fall semester, the student will be considered a May graduate. If the course is completed after the start of the next fall semester but before December 31, the student will be considered a December graduate and the degree will be dated December 31. If the course is not taken at Capital, a transcript must be sent to Capital no later than December 31. Degrees will post on student’s transcripts and diplomas will be automatically mailed within 6-8 weeks after the degree has been awarded.

Students who apply for fall graduation in December must have all degree requirements completed by the end of the fall semester. Degrees will be awarded effective December 31 and will post on student’s transcripts. Diplomas will be automatically mailed within 6-8 weeks after the degree has been awarded.

Commencement Ceremony

The college hosts one commencement ceremony annually at the end of the spring semester in May. Spring semester applicants may participate in the commencement ceremony with one remaining course towards degree completion. However, the degree will be awarded upon completion of the requirements and in accordance with the timetable above. There is no commencement ceremony for fall semester applicants. However, they will be invited to participate in the following spring’s commencement ceremony.

Semester Honors

  1. Full-time students who are matriculated in a certificate or degree program and who successfully complete 12 or more credits of work in a semester with a grade point average of 3.4 or higher shall be recognized by having their names placed on a Dean’s List.
  2. Part-time students who are matriculated in a certificate or degree program are also eligible for such recognition when they have completed 12 or more credits of work with a cumulative grade point average of 3.4 or higher. They may be subsequently recognized at the completion of an additional 12 or more credits of work with a cumulative grade point average of 3.4 or higher, and at successive intervals of 12 credits.
  3. A course Withdrawal or Incomplete shall make the student ineligible for Dean’s List recognition that semester. Upon completion of the Incomplete, the student may be recognized retroactively.
  4. Students who are in a probationary status are not eligible for Dean’s List recognition, even if their cumulative grade point average might otherwise make them eligible.

Graduation Honors

The Valedictorian is the graduating degree student, either full- or part-time, who at the time of graduation has the highest Cumulative Point Average.

The Salutatorian is the graduating degree student, either full- or part-time, who has earned the second highest Cumulative Point Average.

In awarding these honors, ties may be broken by a comparison of the number of credits earned by each student at CCC in relation to the number of transfer credits each has been awarded, if any.

To be considered for honors at graduation, candidates must have completed at least 30 credits of standard courses at this institution. Nonstandard courses include, but are not limited to, Credit by Examination, College-Level Examination Program, independent study, and telecourses.

Students with exemplary academic performance shall be recognized at graduation with the following designations, either in Latin or English, as the college may choose:

  • Summa Cum Laude/Highest Honors for students with a 3.9 - 4.0 grade point average
  • Magna Cum Laude/High Honors for students with a 3.7 - 3.89 grade point average
  • Cum Laude/Honors for students with a 3.4 - 3.69 grade point average

Students with an Incomplete may become eligible retroactively for graduation honors upon completion of the course requirements, and recognition shall appear on the transcript, provided that the student has earned the required grade point average.

Grades received for developmental courses may be used to determine eligibility for semester honors. However, they cannot be used to determine eligibility for graduation honors.

Associate Degrees - Multiple

  1. A student who already holds an academic degree may earn a second degree in a different curriculum at a community college. Such a student shall be treated similarly to a transfer student with respect to minimum number of credits he/she must take for the second degree. This will require that a student meet all program requirements and earn at least twenty-five percent of the minimum requirements for the new curriculum at the college through which the second degree is to be conferred.
  2. A student may earn two degrees simultaneously at a community college by fulfilling all requirements stated above.
  3. Requests for additional degrees beyond the second require prior approval from the Academic Dean. Students who receive approval must then complete all program requirements, including earning at least twenty-five percent of the minimum requirements for the new curriculum at the college through which the degree is to be conferred.
  4. Completion of the requirements of an additional program option does not constitute a different degree.

Prior Learning Assessment

What is Prior Learning Assessment? (PLA)

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) provides students with the opportunity to earn credit for learning acquired outside of the traditional classroom. In order to receive academic credit, you must be able to prove and demonstrate that you have developed college level knowledge.

Note that Credit for Prior Learning may not be transferable to other institutions. In order to be a awarded a degree or certificate at Capital Community College, a student must complete at least 25% of the minimum credit requirements for the degree or certificate through coursework at Capital; and no more than 50% of an approved Associate degree program should be awarded Prior Learning credit.

Main Types of PLAs used at Capital Community College:

College Level Examination Program (CLEP) - offers you the opportunity to earn college credit by getting qualifying scores on any of 33 CLEP examinations. See https://clep.collegeboard.org/ and this page for detailed information.

Credit by Examination - Capital will grant academic credit for certain courses based upon the successful completion of an examination, rather than traditional classroom experience. See the appropriate faculty member or Department Chair for more information and this page for facts about the process.

Credential Evaluation - Gain credit for previously completed certifications or licenses issued by state, national or professional organizations. For information on options available for your major, please contact the appropriate faculty member or Department Chair.

Military Experience - Veterans may obtain transfer credit for training successfully completed in the U.S. Armed Forces, provided the training is deemed to be equivalent and applicable to a student’s specific degree or certificate program. Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Guard students can request a transcript through the Joint Service Transcript at https://jst.doded.mil/official.html. Air Force personnel should submit requests to Community College of the Air Force at https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Barnes/CCAF/. Contact Capital’s Veterans Affairs Counselor for an appointment after you submit the request.

Faculty Reviewed Non-Credit Programs - You may receive credit for learning acquired in non-credit programs that have gone through a faculty review process. Many non-credit programs offered outside traditional academic settings have been reviewed by the Connecticut Credit Assessment Program (CCAP) and the College Credit Recommendation Service of the American Council on Education. Please see appropriate faculty member or Department Chair to inquire about a specific program.

Advanced Placement of High School Students - Capital accepts Advanced Placement (AP) courses taken in high school through the College Entrance Examination Board’s Advanced Placement Program, provided that the student scores a minimum of 3 on the test. See Programs for High School Students  for more information.

Credit through Portfolio Assessment - If you feel that you have experience/education that occurred outside of the traditional college classroom, and outside of training that has been formally reviewed for credit, there is an option for portfolio assessment: a collection of materials compiled to demonstrate previous college-level learning related to your academic degree plan. This option requires students to work with Charter Oak State College for a fee. Prior learning is assessed through Charter Oak and once credit is established, Capital will use the credit as part of the transfer evaluation process, transferring in credit appropriate to the student’s program of study. Please see the Charter Oak Portfolio website for more information: https://www.charteroak.edu/current/programs/portfolio/index.cfm

College Level Examination Program

The College Level Examination Program, designed by the College Entrance Examination Board, is a basis of granting credit for knowledge gained through non-traditional means, such as work experience or independent study.

College Level Examination Program examinations are of two types:

  1. The General Examinations cover in a broad and generalized way five academic areas: humanities, mathematics, natural science, English composition, and social sciences/history. CCC will grant six credits in each of the five to any matriculated student who passes any of the general examinations.
  2. The Subject Examinations measure the student’s knowledge in specific academic fields. There are 40 or more such examinations, some of which carry three credits and some six.

In both the general and subject examinations, College Level Examination Program credits are similar to transfer credits: no grade is concerned; no quality points are involved, and, as a result, there is no effect on the student’s Cumulative Point Average.

When College Level Examination Program credits are awarded, they will be recorded in terms of CCC equivalent courses. There will be a notation indicating that College Level Examination Program was the basis of credit award.

For further information about College Level Examination Program, consult the Registrar’s Office at 860-906-5311

Credit By Examination

The College will grant academic credit for certain courses based upon the successful completion of an examination rather than traditional classroom experience..

The following rules govern Credit By Examination:


  1. The applicant must be in a degree program and be currently admitted or registered at the college.
  2. The student must show sufficient experience and knowledge in the subject area concerned to warrant undertaking the Credit By Examination.


  1. The student must submit a formal application, which must be approved by an appropriate faculty member, the Registrar, and the division director or department chair concerned.
  2. The examination will be entirely or in major part written. Exceptions may be approved by the Academic Dean in certain cases in which an oral examination better demonstrates the student’s proficiency.
  3. Credit By Examination is not considered part of the student’s current semester academic load when determining that student’s status as a full- or part-time student.
  4. The course being requested by the student must be part of the College’s regular course offering.
  5. The student may not have completed, nor be currently enrolled in, a more advanced sequential course in the same discipline.
  6. Credit By Examination may not be undertaken in a course which the student previously failed at the College, or in a course for which a student has already received credit.
  7. Credit By Examination may be undertaken only once for the same course.
  8. Examinations shall be scheduled prior to the end of the Add/Drop period of any academic term during the regular academic year.
  9. No examination may be given to a student who is in the last semester before graduation.
  10. No more than 50% of an approved Associate degree program shall be awarded for prior experiential learning, (For example; Credit by Examination and College Level Examination Program).
  11. A student must complete at least 25% of the minimum credit requirements for the degree or certificate through coursework at Capital Community College to be awarded the degree or certificate.
  12. Credit by Examination is not allowed for the following courses:
    BBG* 234 , BIO* 105 , BMG* 202 , BMK* 201 , CSA 105 , ECN* 101 , ECN* 102 , ENG* 101 , ENG* 102 , ENG* 222 , FRE 101, FRE 102, FRE 201, FRE 202, HIS* 101 , HIS* 102 , HIS* 201 , HIS* 202 , POL* 111 , PSY* 111 , PSY* 201 , SOC* 101 , SPA* 101 , SPA* 102 , SPA* 201 , and SPA* 202 .

    For the above courses a College Level Examination Program (CLEP) needs to be taken.

    Other colleges and universities accept CLEP credit but a Credit by Examination will not transfer.


  1. A student interested in a Credit By Examination must petition the appropriate faculty member, Program Coordinator, Department Chair, or Division Director. The faculty member, Program Coordinator, Department Chair, or Division Director will interview the student and, if in agreement with the petition, the student must then submit a formal application, which must be signed and approved by the Registrar to ensure that the student has not previously attempted the Credit By Examination. The form is then forwarded for approval to the division director or department head.
  2. A $15 evaluation fee must be paid at the Business Office before the examination is administered.

All Credit By Examinations will be graded on a pass/fail basis, with a pass being a “C” or better. Pass/fail has no numerical value. A pass will be recorded as credits earned by Credit By Examination and will not affect the student’s grade point average. A failing grade will not be recorded.

Independent Study

An independent study project is the study of a particular topic or set of topics under the supervision of a full-time faculty member, who determines if the student is qualified to undertake the project. At least six earned credits in this discipline must have been taken at CCC (other independent study credits will not be counted as part of the prerequisite six).

A written study outline (a contract) must be submitted by the student, and approved in writing by the faculty member involved, the department/division head, and the Academic Dean, with a copy filed in the Counseling Center prior to registration. General Fund Fees and tuition will be charged.

The number of credits for which the student may register (one, two or three) will be determined by the faculty member and the other members of the department. Independent study credits in any department may be taken in more than one semester, but no more than six such credits may count toward an Associate Degree. Once the number of credits is determined by the student and faculty member, and the student is registered, the number of credits may be changed only with approval of the faculty member, the division director or department head, and the Academic Dean.

Registration for an independent study project must be completed within one week of the scheduled beginning of classes in any given semester. The project must normally be completed within a year of registration.

Placement Testing

Capital uses the ACCUPLACER® Placement Test to provide students with useful information about their academic skills in Math, Reading, and Writing. The results of this test, in conjunction with their academic background, goals, and interests, are used by academic advisors and counselors to determine a student’s Math and English course selection.

Information about test exemptions and review material can be found on the Placement Testing Center’s webpage. Students must submit appropriate documentation (college transcripts, SAT/ACT, or ACCUPLACER score reports) to the Placement Testing Center to ensure they have met requirements for test exemption. The SAT is not required for admission but may be used for placement purposes.

Students whose native language is other than English who attended high-school in a non-native English speaking country are required to take the English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) test.

For additional information, contact the Coordinator of Placement Testing in Room 220 on the second floor, 860-906-5089

English-as-a-Second Language (ESL) students should contact the ESL Coordinator, 860-906-5203


Official transcripts are provided at no charge but students must meet all financial obligations to the college before they will be issued.

Capital Community College now offers the ability to obtain official transcripts in an electronic format (e-Transcript). Current and former students will be able to request official e-Transcripts to be sent to other educational institutions, potential employers, or any other appropriate entities.

  • Current and Recent Students: Students who have been issued a NetID and password should login to myCommNet, then click on Banner Student and Faculty Self-Service Link (top right hand box) , Select Capital Community College if asked, Click on Student Records, Click on Transcripts Box, Click on Request Official Transcripts, and Click on Access the Transcript Ordering Site link.
  • Former Students: Students who have not been issued a NetID, please go to the Registrar’s webpage.

Official Paper Transcripts may still be requested in person at the Registrar’s Office or via mail or fax. The Transcript Request Form is available outside of the Registrar’s Office and on the college’s website. Requests should be mailed to: Registrar’s Office - Transcripts, Capital Community College, 950 Main Street, Hartford, CT 06103 or faxed to: 860-906-5119. Requests can also be emailed to CA-Registrar@capitalcc.edu. Most official transcript (paper) requests are processed within 5 business days. During busy periods at the beginning and end of each semester, please allow up to 8-10 business days.